Thursday 14 May 2009

Very...very nice...

3 lawan 3
SMUNAR Angkatan Lulus '99
"3 IPA 2"
...Viva for U All...

Friday 1 May 2009

The Secret of Marketing on a Social Network

The explosion of online social networks like Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn has opened up a whole new world of marketing. These social networks create new realms of possibility in the realm of online marketing, as it enables (at a minimal cost) a massive word-of-mouth campaign. As word-of-mouth is the most effective form of advertising, it's no wonder that so many companies of all sizes are interested in social network marketing.

The earliest and still most common form of marketing on social networks is to simply create a presence on the social network. Many corporations, charities, bands and other organizations have an account on the social network, and one or more employees is tasked with maintaining this social presence. Through the social network, the organization can announce to it's many friends and customers what new products and services they are offering, in addition to enabling customers to have a more personal relationship with them. This is free and productive, however it does not have much of an effect and many corporations are seeking other options.

The best way to market via social networks is to encourage participation. Many companies have found that by taking suggestions, running contests and otherwise bringing the members of the social network in, they can greatly increase customer loyalty. It also permits companies to quickly "crowd source" projects such as logos or new food flavors.

One last way many organizations use social networks is for "Astroturfing," which is when an organization works to make the appearance of a grassroots organization when actually they are using a network of company agents to advertise a product or service. This is often against the terms of service of the social network, and it also often leads to severe backlash. Many modern consumers will see astroturfing as lying to them, and so it is a tactic best avoided.

Cek Rekening Listrik di Internet !

Sekarang kita dapat melihat tagihan listrik kita melalui internet. Pertama kali siapkan ID Pelanggan rekening listrik rumah anda. ID pelanggan terdiri dari 12 digit angka (hanya angka, bukan kombinasi huruf dan angka). Inilah alamat situs (link) di web di beberapa daerah distribusi PLN.


PLN Wilayah Kalimantan Barat di (kolom tengah atas)
PLN Wilayah Kalimantan Timur di (kolom tengah bawah)
PLN Wilayah Kalimantan Selatan dan Tengah di google menyarankan anda untuk tidak mengunjungi situs ini (karena kemungkinan mengandung malware)

Sulawesi dan Maluku

PLN Wilayah Sulsel, Sultra dan Sulbar di
PLN Wilayah Sulut, Sulteng dan Gorontalo belum tersedia
PLN Wilayah Maluku dan Malut di (kolom kiri)

Jawa, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara

PLN Distribusi Jakarta Raya dan Tangerang di atau di (juga untuk Bekasi dan Depok)
PLN Distribusi Jabar dan Banten di
PLN Distribusi Jatim di (kanan atas)
PLN Bali di (kolom tengah)
PLN Wilayah NTB belum tersedia
PLN Wilayah NTT belum tersedia
PLN Distribusi Jawa Tengah & DIY di (kiri atas)


PLN Wilayah Sumut di (kanan atas)
PLN Wilayah Sumatera Barat di
PLN WS2JB (Wil Sumsel Jambi & Bengkulu) belum tersedia
PLN Wilayah Lampung di untuk Cabang Kotabumi dapat mengunjungi situs (kanan bawah)

Papua dan Irian belum tersedia

Di samping itu terdapat pula layanan iSMS, yaitu menge-cek tagihan listrik melalui SMS dengan cara:

Pengiriman permintaan melalui SMS dengan cara berikut : Ketik : Rek Nomor ID-Pelanggan dan kirim ke 8123 (Indosat, Telkomsel, TelkomFlexi, Mobile-8 Fren)) atau 5123

Setelah permintaan terkirim dalam beberapa saat akan dikirim balasan yang menginformasikan jumlah besar tagihan rekening listrik.

Biaya yang diperlukan untuk SMS Billing terdiri dari 2 type yaitu :

Member (Anggota), biaya yang dikenakan adalah Rp 500,- (Lima Ratus Rupiah) per transaksi. Untuk menjadi pelanggan dapat mengirim SMS registrasi sbb : Ketik : PLN on Nomor ID-Pelanggan,
Service on Demand (SOD), biaya yang akan dikenakan sebesar Rp 700,- (Tujuh Ratus Rupiah) per transaksi.

Untuk rekening bulan yang telah lewat/Informasi Rekening Bulan-bulan yang lalu : Rek ID Pelanggan bulan tahun

Layanan SMS Billing ini berlaku untuk seluruh Indonesia.

Why you Need Wireless Protection

Even if you're protecting your network, you may not go far enough. For example, you may use easily crackable Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) encryption rather than the more powerful Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA). If you're still not convinced, I will give you five reasons to take the extra effort to protect your Wi-Fi network, whether it's a small one at home or part of a larger, enterprise network.

Reason No. 1: You may be helping criminals unwittingly

There's a new type of wireless piggybacker out there, people looking for a convenient, unprotected Wi-Fi network to hop onto in order to do something illegal, quasi-legal or just downright nasty. They won't be breaking in to your PCs, but they'll be using your bandwidth and IP address for committing cyber crimes.

Reason No. 2: Wireless is the weakest link in an enterprise

You may use high-powered security in your core enterprise network, but if you've got even a single, poorly protected wireless access point somewhere, you're at risk. Invaders intent on stealing customer records or private data or merely doing mischief can easily make their way from that single access point right into the heart of your network. And if you're a large company, it could cost you millions of dollars.

Reason No. 3: The recording industry may sue you

As we all know, for the past several years, the recording and entertainment industry has used the courts to sue many people who the industry claims were illegally sharing or downloading copyrighted music and other digital files.

But what's less well known is that they're also trying to convince the courts that even if someone uses your network and does the illegal download, you should be liable for the copyright infringement. Which means you'll have to hire a lawyer or get ready to pay through the nose.

Reason No. 4: Unwanted use of your bandwidth

The most basic rule of networking is that no matter your upload and download speeds, they're not fast enough. So how would you like sharing your measly bandwidth with strangers and neighbors, especially those who want to suck up all your bandwidth by downloading multigigabyte movies?

Reason No. 5: It may lead to identity theft

If someone gains access to your home or small-office wireless network, they may be able to gather enormous amounts of information about you. Do you store any personal or financial records on a PC attached to your network? If so, they're at risk if you don't take the right precautions. So if you worry about identity theft or simply don't want someone poking around your PCs, make sure to turn on protection.

About Earth Day

I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.
Each blade of grass,
Each honey tree,
Each bit of mud,
And stick and stone
Is blood and muscle,
Skin and bone.

And just as I
Need every bit
Of me to make
My body fit,
So Earth needs
Grass and stone and tree
And things that grow here

That's why we
Celebrate this day.
That's why across
The world we say:
As long as life,
As dear, as free,
I am the Earth
And the Earth is me.

Working on RECYCLING, REDUCING, REUSING all the trash surrounding and it’s a very simple plan,

• Separate the glass and paper,
Separate the plastic and tin.
Take the trash and recycled it to recycling bin!
• Don't go wasting any products, Use just exactly what needed.
Don't buy things in extra wrapping, Reduce and get success!
• If it's a paper bag - Don't use it once, use it twice!

Give old clothes and toys to someone, To reuse them would be nice!

"EARTH DAY uses one of humanity’s great discoveries"

Human beings have kept their sorrows and their joys, their victories, their aims for re-celebration and re-dedication another year, decade, century and eon.

EARTH DAY reminds the people of the world of the need for continuing care for Earth’s safety.

Recognize and respect Earth’s beautiful systems of balance, between the presence of animals on land, the fish in the sea, birds in the air, mankind, water, air, and land. Most importantly there must always be awareness of the actions by people that can disturb this precious balance."

Welcome for tripatu'99

Semua telah terjadi...
entah kapan dan dimana terkadang hanya aku yang alami...
mungkin kau pun t'lah alami, tetapi mungkin juga tidak...
semua telah terukir, akulah penyebab semua itu...
eh...oh...ah...bukan aku tapi dia...

sepenggal dari benak yang ada kadang terasa sulit untuk kita kenang kembali,
namun ingin sekali itu terulang kembali, sehingga membuat kita terasa geli untuk...

ha...ha....Okey Friend, yang pasti aku sendiri bukan ahlinya bikin puisi dan bukan seorang yang puitis.

disini...dipojokkan ini...kadang untuk bertemu kembali agak susah...but...aku mau untuk SMUNAR Angkatan'99...untuk ngober bareng disini...tuk curahkan semua tentang kita...


Best Regards,
Charles Boyoh